Tips for students to succeed in their online classes

Due to the measures taken by the Covid-19, all the schools in many countries had to close. How do we achieve effective and optimal compliance? Smart School Manager, an expert in educational technologies, shared some tips to carry this out.

We have shared some tips so that parents can collaborate with their children’s learning and manage to carry out the study from home successfully.

Schedule and maintain a routine:

It is very important to be able to maintain a schedule and routine, similar to what happened when you went to school in person. In this way, the minors do not lose the habit of performing their obligations and doing the assigned tasks to learn.

Create a comfortable space to study:

As in the classroom, a student should have a desk where he can carry out his homework. Therefore, it is essential to have a clean, illuminated, and comfortable space for them to carry out their homework. We must help them not leave objects that distract them, such as cell phones, televisions, or web pages that are not related to the subject.

Have leisure time:

Because the vast majority do their homework by viewing a screen, it is recommended that during “recess” times, they be kept away from electronic devices such as video consoles or cell phones. It is important that in these times, do physical activities or give them space so they can do creative things and start their imagination.

Hydrate and eat well:

Learning at home involves spending many hours watching a screen, which requires a lot of concentration, even more so if space is not given to be able to consult with academics. For this reason, being hydrated and eating nutritious and balanced foods is essential for them to have energy and focus on the study material provided.
